Dionysus Coming Together

Some do not want to get Along

And the followers of Dionysus feel this is so Wrong


Dionysus Coming Together


Sure, some people just Hate

And it is right to keep them on the other side of the Gate


Others are damaged or refuse to Learn

When there is no chance, these people we should Spurn


But most of us have a Chance

To leap up and join the common-sense Dance


We are all Free

To argue and Disagree


Yet we should also be able to join Hands

And let understanding sweep the Lands


It is harder to get stuck in a bipolar Bog

When there is an honest Dialog


Dionysus let the fences End

And we will make a new Friend


And as I look Back

A know an open mind is not something I Lack


Dionysus Do It Anyways


Grab some heroes of Dionysus Action Right here

Yig Dusk

We enter into the Dusk

The transition strengthens Us


Yig Dusk


Neither Day or Night

Moving into the Candlelight


Freedom is at Hand

Like a ghost I move throughout the Land


No one can see Me

Traveling alone and Free


My tribe Gathers

I head toward them through the sick Blathers


The warrior flexes his Fists

I embrace my reasons to Exist


I feel Yig Inside

From his power I never Hide


Stepping Ahead

Moving into the Green and out of the Red


Yig Anti-Overload


Yig’s greatest hero, Jack Primus, can be discovered here!

Dionysus Anti-Drama

We like life to be Interesting

But not at the cost of Dealing with the selfishness Sin


Dionysus Anti-Drama


I want to say Goodnight

And bye to the Gaslight


How can some people just be so ill minded and Wrong

It would be easy to feel downhearted, but we prefer to be Strong


The more you try to control Me

The faster I become Free


For I have the power to change my Mind

Now only yourself can you Bind


I do not understand the Pleasure it Brings

To agonize over trivial Things


I would rather focus on the Good

And lead a life like I Should


Dionysus push unneeded Drama Away

So I will have more time to Play


And as I enjoy another night free from manipulating Hell

I will think, “Boy, don’t I feel Swell”


Dionysus Chaos Night


Grab some heroes of Dionysus Action Right here

Hecate Returned

There is no greater Truth

Than the material grounds you to the Floor while the spiritual takes you through the Roof


Hecate Returned


Yet somethings are ours in this Life

We obtain a few luxuries and possessions to help us through the Strife


At times we can go Bust

And they are taken from Us


Yes, they are only Things

But we enjoy the pleasure owning Brings


Why waste resources and slow your life Down

When these things you already Found


When you need them Back

Motivation should not be something you Lack


You will feel less Burned

Once they are Returned


So Acquire

Before you Retire


And then we reach the next Crossroads

We will feel like heroes and not Toads


Hecate give us your Aid

And soon our plan will be Made


Hecate Everything Day


Follow the Heroic path here!

Hermes Air

You can live a life of Flare

Once you embrace the Air


Hermes air



Air is never pinned Down

You can not nail it to the Ground


Flexible and Free

A perfect way to Be


Everything is Seen

Choices are made from the complete data you Glean


One can Stay

Or blow Away


Hermes, we join in your Flight

And it gains us a second Sight


And as I decide things my own Way

The price of ignorance I do not Pay


hermes making the line


Follow the Heroic path here!

Apollo Sun Set

Just because the day has seen the setting of the Sun

Do not mean the followers of Apollo are Done


Apollo Sun Set


Moving to different tasks and goals we enter a new Phase

We are always fighting through the Maze


Never giving Up

Work after the Sup


Plow Ahead into the Night

Doing what we feel is Right


Apollo grant us speed during our eternal Quest

And we will always strive to do our Best


Went I finally bed Down

Less undone tasks will be Found


Dionysus Sun


Matt narrows is a Hero of Apollo and just needs the save the whole world a few times.




Hecate Rain

It is never a Pain

When we get to experience Rain


Hecate Rain


It changes the Earth’s Feel

Makes life more Real


Protects and Saves

From elders to Babes


Life can Begin

And for this we can always Sing


Mysterious and Grey

How we like our Day


Fun to be out, but alright to stay In

Conversation and accomplishment can Begin


Less things for you to Do

Because nature is taking care of it for You


A world shrouded in Mists

Unsure of what Exists


Hecate hear us this Day

In the waters we will Play


And as I listen to the patter of rain all Night

My soul will be filled with Delight




Follow the Heroic path here!

Apollo Laser

Sometimes you need to Focus

To step up with your Hocus Pocus


Apollo Laser


When there is a goal you should not Hide

Push everything else Aside


Bee Line Ahead

Move on like we Said


The shortest distance is a straight Line

And helps you move into the Devine


So Apollo grant us this Satisfaction

As we laser our Action


Get it done Today

So we have one less in the Way


Apollo Heat


Matt narrows is a Hero of Apollo and just needs the save the whole world a few times.

Dionysus Break Free

Sometimes bad luck and negativity swirl around Me

And I have to fight to break Free




You can not expect everything to be perfect and Good

But we also need to be aspiring to live life as we Should


Change the Odds

Beat the Clods


Pick a different Direction

Head toward the Perfection


Live and Enjoy

Ignore those filled with hate who just seek to Annoy


Break the chains of Ill

Drink my Fill


Dance into a new Place

And Clear out your Space


Dionysus aid our chaotic Quest

And we will do our very Best


And as Baccanaught draws Near

I raise my Beer


Dionysus Breaking Free


Grab some heroes of Dionysus Action Right here

Apollo Just Keep Going

There are times in life when your production starts Slowing

But we know we have to keep on Going


Apollo Just keep Going.jpg


Even if it seems like too much to Do

Hacking at it is the best way to keep it from slipping away from You


Perhaps like a Hydra, new tasks appear faster than you can get them Done

Each time you complete one, you have Won




Grind your Teeth and dive In

Perhaps a new dawning is about to Begin


Apollo we follow our Hike

So we will end up someplace we Like


And as I keep Roaring

I might be surprised by my Soaring


Apollo Bring it back


Matt narrows is a Hero of Apollo and just needs the save the whole world a few times.