Loki New Year

New goals materialize and old obligations Clear

When I enter a New Year



Chance for a unique Start

I get ready to leave a fresh Mark

New blasts of Chaos I inject and Dodge

Empower my life and Lodge



Like Loki I Dance

Laughing through the Happenstance

Smile and greet the New

Because life I am in love with You



If you feel like it, consider looking up my Cyberpunk novel. Detective Dak is asked to hunt down all the clones in New Cluster but is in love with one of them.


Inanna Creative Space    

Your first step to remove yourself from the mundania Race

Is finding a Creative Space

The one which can produce your true Face



You can work alone or with Others

Because we all cherish our sisters and Brothers

But one needs to focus on the self for often too much input Smothers



Turn the space in to the Great

Now I can Create

And begin to steer my own Fate



If you feel like it, consider looking up my Cyberpunk novel. Detective Dak is asked to hunt down all the clones in New Cluster but is in love with one of them.


Dionysus New Place

I feel like I am about to start a Race

When I move into a new Place



So much surrounds You

And it becomes hard to know what to Do


Yet here is a Chance

To start a new Chaos Dance


Adapt and Evolve

As unexpected puzzles I Solve


Move and adjust a Bit

As I see Fit



And enjoy the Change


Compromise meets Commitment

As I bring in another Shipment



Here I will Stay

And seek to have fun each Day


Create and Grow

Build a fire and wait for the Snow



If you feel like it, consider looking up my Cyberpunk novel. Detective Dak is asked to hunt down all the clones in New Cluster but is in love with one of them.


Apollo Last Minute

No matter how much we Prepare

Events can catch us Unaware



When things sneak up on You

There is always something you can Do


Just start out There

No one has to know it is a thirty-minute Flare


The right choice is the same whether an hour or six days Old

Keep it tight and break the Mold



Like a warrior I fight for my end Game

Making sure tomorrow is not the Same


And as the sun passes Me

I feel ever more Free



If you feel like it, consider looking up my Cyberpunk novel. Detective Dak is asked to hunt down all the clones in New Cluster but is in love with one of them.
