Yig Focus   

We all try to accomplish this, that, and the other Thing

But is this really where we should Begin



What should go first and what can be Cut

Doing two percent of fifty things just leaves you in a Rut


More common sense than Hocus Pocus

The best path reveals itself through Focus


Tasks are only useful when Complete

And do not require twenty other goals or your home to be Neat


Focus on the One

And soon you will be Done


The other goals need not Vex

For soon you are moving to the Next



Days when things are finished are not Forgotten

The fresh soon replaces the Rotten


My eyes continue to narrow In

As I focus on a new Win



Grab my Cyberpunk novel here. Dak has been hired to chase down the Skinjumper clones, he biggest problem, he’s dating one.


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