Hecate Pre-Adventure

Taking a breath, I prepare for my Adventure

And prove I am not a mundane Clencher

To do my Best

My promethean skills will be put to test


First a positive mental State

Let the negative ruminations Abate


Strong transportation is a Need

And the travelers must Feed

Insure I have my rolling Cash

For road trips can change in a lightning Flash


Gear is often more important than Dime

For in the end, you avoid its need and gain Time

When I already know where I intend to Stay

It gives me a better chance to Play


Lastly weapons and Vice

No one said I must play Nice

The time looms close and the evening sets In

Now the real preparations Begin


All packed and with a smile on my Face

I buckle in a feel prepared for a new Taste



Grab some of my Skin-Punk fiction here


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